Crop Condition Ratings Fell Last Week, As Many Expected

(FARGO, ND) — Corn, soybean and spring wheat condition ratings all fell last week as expected with heat baking much of the Midwest. Both corn and soybean ratings in the good to excellent category were down 2% nationwide as of Sunday, July 30th. Corn now stands at 55% good to excellent with soybeans now at 52% good to excellent. Some of the biggest ratings declines were seen in the Dakotas, Minnesota and Kansas.

Spring wheat condition declined even further with the nationwide good to excellent rating now at just 42% good to excellent as of Sunday. That is down from 49% last week and 70% last year. Minnesota spring wheat condition fell sharply last week, moving from 74% to 54% good to excellent while North Dakota fell from 54% to 44% last week.

Read the full report here: