Strengthening Agriculture’s Talent Pipeline

Agriculture Future of America and the National FFA Organization made their partnership official. The groups signed a Memorandum of Understanding during AFA’s Leaders Conference in November. The MOU cements the bond that existed between the two groups and underscores a shared commitment to developing and empowering the next generation of leaders.

“AFA and FFA have similar goals and values regarding the role of school-based agricultural education,” says Scott Stump, CEO of the National FFA Organization. One of the primary objectives of this partnership is to create a seamless pathway for young individuals who are passionate about agriculture to transition from FFA to AFA. By doing so, they’ll get access to a wide array of leadership development opportunities, scholarships, internships, membership programs, and job opportunities.

FFA and AFA also intend to collaborate on various projects and initiatives that promote agricultural education and leadership, including the chance to interact with experienced professionals.