Indigo Ag Announces Record Carbon Crop

Indigo Ag this week announced the successful completion of its third carbon crop. With more than 163,000 carbon credits produced, Indigo is the only company to complete three carbon harvests at scale, and the program continues to show growth with year-over-year increases in the number of farmers paid, fields filed, and credits produced.

Since its inception in 2019, farmers participating in Indigo Ag’s carbon program have sequestered or abated the equivalent of nearly 300,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

Indigo Ag CEO Dean Banks says, “Our record breaking third carbon crop reinforces that farmers can earn money and have a real and measurable impact leveraging agricultural soil as one of the world’s largest carbon sinks.” Indigo Ag’s carbon credits are verified and issued by the Climate Action Reserve.

To date, farmers in Indigo Ag’s sustainability programs have earned more than $12 million. Farmers are scheduled to be paid for the third carbon crop in March 2024.