NCGA: EPA’s Move to Establish Agricultural Office is Positive Development

Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan said Friday that his agency will create the Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs at the agency to focus on issues important to farmers. Rod Snyder, a former lobbyist for the National Corn Growers Association who currently serves as advisor to the administrator, will head the office.

The announcement, which was made at Commodity Classic in Houston, Texas, was met with praise by NCGA.

“We are exceptionally pleased that there will be a program at EPA that is tasked with ensuring the voices and concerns of farmers are heard loud and clear,” said NCGA President Harold Wolle. “And the administrator could not have found a better person to lead this office than Rod Snyder. Anyone who has worked with Rod will tell you he is a smart, stellar professional who thoroughly understands the agricultural community.”

Read more of this story from NCGA here:

Additionally, read this statement below from House Ag Committee Ranking Member David Scott about the creation of this new office at EPA:

WASHINGTON — Today, House Agriculture Committee Ranking Member David Scott released the following statement in celebration of the establishment of the Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which expands engagement opportunities with agricultural and rural communities.

“I applaud the Biden-Harris Administration’s decision to elevate the Agriculture Advisor position into the first-ever Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. This decision is further evidence that the Administration and EPA are serious about working with our farmers and ranchers to ensure the health, sustainability, and environmental soundness of America’s food supply.

“EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan has had an open line of communication with our farmers, and he’s been served well by his Agriculture Advisor Rod Snyder, and the creation of the Office of Agriculture and Rural Affairs is another tangible commitment on behalf of the EPA to ensure that farmer’s voices are part of the conversation.”