We’ve been talking a bit the last few weeks about potential drought issues heading into U.S. spring planting. In the meantime, the markets have been seemingly buying corn acres as of late. Could weather risk potential derail farmers plans to plant a big corn crop this spring? We talk about that and more with Shawn Hackett from Hackett Financial Advisors. More online at https://www.hackettadvisors.com.
We saw both Brooke Rollins and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. confirmed on Thursday to lead USDA and HHS respectively. That, along with more tariff talk, is some of the key headline risk in the markets. Throw in inflation issues, weather risk and more and there is plenty to keep an eye on. Tommy Grisafi with Nesvick Trading and AgBull Media joins us to discuss. Learn more online at https://www.agbull.com.